026-219-3068 / 080-4454-1899

Saku areaLocal information

Local information of Saku area

It is local information of the Saku area.
This area includes Komoro City, Saku City, Koumi Town, Sakuho Town, Kawakami Village, Minamimaki Village, Minamiaigi Village, Kitaiaigi Village, Karuizawa Town, Miyota Town and Tateshina Town.

Foreign Resident Consultation Service

Phone : 0267-22-1700
Address: Komoro City Hall (Aioicho, Komoro City 3-3-3)
Supported languages: Chinese/Tagalog/English/Thai
Phone : 0267-62-3283
Address: Saku City Hall (Saku City Nakagome 3056)
Supported languages: Thai/Portuguese/Chinese
Phone : 0267-96-2211
Address: Minamimaki Village Office (1051 Uminokuchi, Minamimaki Village)
Supported languages: Japanese/other than Japanese (72 languages ​​supported by translator)

Japanese classroom

Komoro Komoro Japanese Class Day Class/Night Class Venue: Komoro City Citizens' Exchange Center (3-3-3 Aioicho, Komoro City) Date and time: Wednesday 10:00 to 11:30, Saturday 19:00 to 20:30
Saku Lily of the valley Venue: Saku City Nozawa Kaikan (183 Toridemachi, Saku City) Date and time: Saturdays from 10:00 to 11:30 (second Saturday in April to second Saturday in December)
Saku Salad bowl party Venue: 2nd floor of Nakagome facility, Social Medical Corporation Eninkai (1-17-8 Nakagome, Saku City) Date and time: Sunday from 13:00 to 14:30 *About XNUMX times a month depending on the reservation status of the community center
Saku Japanese language class Mochizuki Venue: Komanosato Fureai Center (303 Mochizuki, Saku City) Date and time: Sunday from 10:00 to 11:40
Saku Flat☆Saku Venue: Terakoya ICTlab (773-2 Iwamurata, Saku City) Date and time: Saturday from 13:30 to 15:30 (XNUMX times a month)
Sakuho Japanese class (Sakuho Town) Venue: 2570 Umise, Sakuho-cho, Minamisaku-gun Date and time: Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00
Miyota Japanese language classes for foreign residents Venue: Ecole Miyota (Miyasemachi Maseguchi 1901-1) Date and time: Sunday from 14:00 to 15:45 (XNUMX times a month)


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Local information


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